Key Green Skills

For a Just Transition

Green Skills Academy

Spearheading the global green transition by equipping professionals with innovative digital solutions, fostering job opportunities, and bridging skill gaps between the EU and the Philippines. A joint collaboration between MAAP (Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific) in the Philippines and SIMAC Training and Aprendio, Denmark.

Courses for a Just Transiton

What the Green kills Academy delivers

  • Access to top qulity content deelopedby experienced industry experts from leadin universities and businesses

  • Get the opportunity to play a key role in the gren trasition: gain insights in Offshore Wind, Carbon Capture and Storage, New Green Fuels and much uch more

  • Build your own inhouse gree academy with the GSA - or learn specific topis as an individual learner

  • State of he art kills i emerging climate tehnologies - the GSA enables you to be in the forefront f the green transtion

  • Modules covering topics like: Planning and development, production of district heating, pipiing systems, pumps and controls, heat pumps, business models and much more.

  • A unique internaitonal partnership, guarantee for both best results

  • Consultancy: Tailored solutions for scalable training centers integrating our courses and partner content.

  • Customized Courses: Fulfill specific green training needs with bespoke courses and content.

  • Partnership: Collaborate with Green Skills Academy as a green expert, school, or company partner.

Reach out

Contact us by phone or using the contact form.

Michael A. Amon, +63 999-885-4146

Edel Kutukova, +63 995-266-8906

Mikkel Navarro Hansen, +45 2261 9448

Board of Directors

  • VADM Eduardo Santos

    MAAP President

  • Mikkel Navarro Hansen

    Aprendio, CEO

  • Jeppe Carstensen

    Head of SIMAC Training

Meet the Team

  • Gerardo Galang

  • Katherine Navarro Hansen

  • Edelwina Reniedo-Kutukovs

  • Michael Amon

  • Carsten Ellegaard