Key Green Skills
For a Just Transition
Green Skills Academy
Spearheading the global green transition by equipping professionals with innovative digital solutions, fostering job opportunities, and bridging skill gaps between the EU and the Philippines. A joint collaboration between MAAP (Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific) in the Philippines and SIMAC Training and Aprendio, Denmark.
Courses for a Just Transiton
What the Green kills Academy delivers
Access to top qulity content deelopedby experienced industry experts from leadin universities and businesses
Get the opportunity to play a key role in the gren trasition: gain insights in Offshore Wind, Carbon Capture and Storage, New Green Fuels and much uch more
Build your own inhouse gree academy with the GSA - or learn specific topis as an individual learner
State of he art kills i emerging climate tehnologies - the GSA enables you to be in the forefront f the green transtion
Modules covering topics like: Planning and development, production of district heating, pipiing systems, pumps and controls, heat pumps, business models and much more.
A unique internaitonal partnership, guarantee for both best results
Consultancy: Tailored solutions for scalable training centers integrating our courses and partner content.
Customized Courses: Fulfill specific green training needs with bespoke courses and content.
Partnership: Collaborate with Green Skills Academy as a green expert, school, or company partner.
Reach out
Contact us by phone or using the contact form.
Michael A. Amon, +63 999-885-4146
Edel Kutukova, +63 995-266-8906
Mikkel Navarro Hansen, +45 2261 9448
Board of Directors
VADM Eduardo Santos
MAAP President
Mikkel Navarro Hansen
Aprendio, CEO
Jeppe Carstensen
Head of SIMAC Training
Meet the Team
Gerardo Galang
Katherine Navarro Hansen
Edelwina Reniedo-Kutukovs
Michael Amon
Carsten Ellegaard